Here's another one of these. Rick Phillips is trying to identify the following movie…
Sometime ago, in the 80's I believe, I saw a movie that took place in World War I. Two young men were arrested and told they had a choice of going into the army or to jail. They chose the army. During a battle in Germany they got scared and decided they would rather face a court-martial then fight so the tried to desert. However, they ran into the enemy and found the Germans' secret weapon. A giant zeppelin. Since no one else knew about it they hid on board it and destroyed it. Instead of being kicked out as cowards they were hailed as heroes. I have no idea what the name of the movie was and neither do my friends who saw it with me. There were no big name stars in the movie when it was released. The movie was only at the theater for 2 weeks so I know it didn't make any money but I enjoyed it would like to see it again. Please let me know if you or anyone knows the name of the film and where I may get it on video or DVD.
I can't help him. But I'll bet someone reading this can.