This Just In…

I thought the vote was over regarding the addition of those grey lines to this page. But I just got this from Cory Strode…

Fox News has found a bunch of new votes from Florida, and it seems that over 500 votes from soldiers have come in with no postmark voting to get rid of the lines.

Amazingly, within 30 seconds of Fox reporting this, MSNBC announced that there were 1000 votes that hadn't been counted, and that many of them were from injured war veterans who had written on flags to send in because liberals who tend to lisp a lot were hiding the ballots from them. Within 30 seconds after that, paid protesters from the "Lines make Baby Jesus cry and prove you aren't a patriot" converged on your backyard and are demanding that you count the new votes and then stop the count immediately. More on this story as it develops.

Let's hope not. Funny as this is, even though I said the voting was closed, they're still coming in. It's up to around 500 to 5 in favor of the lines. I guess some people read this page from oldest to newest and voted against the lines before they read that it was a dead issue.

By the way: The easiest way to read this website is to start at the top of the current page and read down. At the bottom of each page, there's a right arrow that will take you to the next-oldest posting. So keep reading down and clicking right arrows until you go, "Hey! I've read this before!" Then, stop.