An Associated Press story says that Joe Barbera has written a letter to the L.A. City Council urging them to preserve his old studio at 3400 Cahuenga. That's about all there is to the story, which you can read here if you like.
But if you do go read it, you'll see one error. It says that building is "where Tom & Jerry, The Jetsons and Yogi Bear…were first sketched." This is not true. The Tom & Jerry cartoons were done, starting in 1940, on the MGM lot in Culver City. Yogi Bear's first cartoons were done in the first Hanna-Barbera studio, which was on La Brea near Sunset, in 1959. The building on Cahuenga was first opened in 1962, even as the first — and for a long time, only — season of The Jetsons was being completed. (Most of that show was done on La Brea.)
Thanks to Charles Apple for calling my attention to the story.