MY friend Rick "Shecky" Scheckman informs me that I'm one day off on the Game Show Network schedule. The shows I mentioned are the ones that air tomorrow night.
Also, tomorrow night, tune in at least the first part of Late Show With David Letterman. Shecky (who has been with Letterman since Dave was on the old Dumont Network) will be featured in a special Thursday night edition of Viewer Mail.
The Drudge Report is reporting that Marvel Comics is suing Sony to revoke its license to make more Spider-Man movies. I can't link to that site but the news should be all over the place in the next few days. Betcha the suit doesn't stop more Spider-Man movies from Sony.
In a week or two — or whenever I get the chance to configure it — the format and address of this page will be changing. POVonline will remain as is, right where it always was. But this page will be located at If you don't make the change, don't worry. This page will still forward you, at least for a while. But just in case you're in a mood to change bookmarks…