This, That and The Other Thing…

David Letterman's first show back from a bout with Shingles was a pretty good broadcast.  (Did pretty well in the ratings, too.  Someone at CBS is probably trying to figure out how they can have Letterman return from long illnesses more often.)  Dave included a nice tribute to the late George Miller…and this is not meant as a criticism of what was obviously a sincere honor.  But trust me: George was a lot funnier than that clip they showed.

Lately, lawyers for Lynne Cheney have been trying to stifle a website that habitually ridicules the Vice-First Lady, or however one refers to the spouse of the Veep.  This has led Neal Pollack — an Internet troublemaker in the grand and glorious tradition — to proclaim April 1 as National Make Fun of the Cheneys Day.  As you can see on Pollack's site, a lot of folks seem to be joining in and if I had more time, I would too.  Anyone who sics their lawyers on political satirists deserves more of exactly what they're trying to stop.

I am informed by John Hughes, who's with — the Internet's largest dealer of used CDs, DVDs & VHS, it says in his tagline — that there actually has been one movie which included a real audience laugh track on its DVD.  What movie was it?  Freddy Got Fingered.  No wonder I've never seen it done.