More Oscar Stuff

I am also informed by half the film buffs I know that on the Academy Awards, in the montage of Best Actress winners, there was another poorly-chosen bit of footage.  They were supposed to be honoring past-winner Janet Gaynor with a shot from the movie Sunrise — but they picked a clip from that film with Margaret Livingston.  I think they should have just done another cutaway to Martin Scorsese.

By the way: Today on some cable channel — E!, I think — I heard someone talking about the "injustice" of Scorsese never winning an Oscar.  Could we save the word "injustice" for things like a guy sitting on Death Row for ten years for a crime he didn't commit?  Or our country arresting and detaining people for months without actually charging any of them with a crime?  Or a zillion other things more unfair in this world than a highly-honored filmmaker missing out on one honor?  As my Uncle Aaron used to say, "Never feel sorry for anyone who makes more than a million dollars a year."