What an Honor!

This website has finally won an award.  It just snagged a Squiddy as "Best Focused Web Site."  I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be focused on, but I do know what the Squiddies are.  Each year, the participants in several of the rec.arts.comics newsgroups vote in a mess of categories for the best writer of comic books, the best artist, the best character, etc.  Each winner receives a Squiddy, which as far as I know consists of nothing more than the right to post that neat little logo on my site.  The awards are more properly called the "Rec.Arts.Comics" Awards, only nobody calls them that.

They call them the Squiddies, a name that derives from a typo.  There used to be a comic book called The Suicide Squad.  Once, when someone in a newsgroup was asking a question about it, he accidentally typed "Suicide Squid" — which, when you think of it, is a much, much better name for a comic book.  This led to a rash of jokes, and to the Suicide Squid becoming the newsgroup mascot and…well, before they play me off, I'd like to thank everyone and to note that we live in fictitious times with fictitious comic books published by fictitious companies run by fictitious editors…