Wednesday Morn

More on that Disney photo.  My longtime pal Jim Korkis, who works as an instructor down at Walt Disney World, informs me that the picture posted earlier was the last "official" photo of Walt taken before his death.  This, Jim says, is why it's so prominently displayed down in the "One Man's Dream" attraction down in his neck of the woods at Disney/MGM Studios.  He further notes that in the pic, Mickey has four fingers and a thumb — the style of glove he wore back then.  The Mouse also wore regular-size black shoes back then, the big yellow ones coming along later, closer to the character's 40th birthday.  Thanks, Jim.

Terry Jones of Monty Python fame keeps writing rather funny political commentaries for the The ObserverHere's his latest.

A man was convicted of first-degree murder.  A considerable amount of new evidence shows that several of the witnesses against him lied due to the prosecution coaching or paying them to do so.  Some people still want to execute the man.  This kind of thing is happening way too often for it not to rebound against the Death Penalty.  Matter of fact, I think people who support the State's supposed right to terminate lives should be lobbying the hardest to eliminate these apparent miscarriages.  For some reason though, a lot of them treat evidence of an unjust conviction as some sort of bothersome technicality that shouldn't get in the way of a good execution.