Monday Evening

This coming Sunday, CBS is airing Back to the Batcave, a new TV-Movie about the exploits of Adam West and Burt Ward, back in the days they were playing Batman and Robin on TV.  Here's a link to a CBS website that tells you all about this monumental event.  And don't miss the online trailer.  You really want to know what goes on after the costumes come off.

Over on his website, Jim Hill pulls an article out of his archives about some folks who didn't do voices in Disney films — like, why George Gobel turned down the role of Winnie the Pooh.  Go read it.  (If that link doesn't go forward you to it, look for a piece called "Who's in Pooh and Satchmo's a no-show.")

Surprising the hell out of everyone, CBS is covering all three hours of this year's Tony Awards.  This is the ceremony that, every year, finishes last in the ratings, prompting rumors that the network will dump it.  Instead, they're expanding it.  I don't understand and this article doesn't fully explain it.