I thought the first episode of Bill Maher's new HBO show was terrific. It was funny, some genuine issues were discussed, and it held my attention for the entire hour, which neither Jay nor Dave have done for a long time. I am, however, skeptical that it will do well. There's always been something dislikeable about Maher. He's very smart and he makes me laugh but I wouldn't want to hang around the guy. That side of him was held somewhat in check on Politically Incorrect but now that he's free to ratchet up his mean side, I can't imagine America wanting to spend a lot of time with him, either. You have to really work to have Ann Coulter on your show and still come off as the angriest person on the premises. I hope I'm wrong, and that Real Time With Bill Maher will be on for a real long time. I don't like him but I like watching him.