There have been many books on how to animate, most of which aren't all that helpful. For the basics of the kind of animation that involves pencils and a lot of paper, no one has ever beaten the Preston Blair books — a couple of slim, low-priced volumes prepared many decades ago for a series sold in art stores. Mr. Blair was a great animator who worked for Disney (on Fantasia) and for Tex Avery at MGM. Here's a link to a website that lets you study some of his lessons on-line — including viewable animations.
Those selfless folks at Disney are giving away a free download of a vintage Mickey Mouse cartoon for the PC. The catch? You have to register for their site, and the cartoon will only play until March 7. If you want to do this anyway, here's the link.
The episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? with the call to Bob Ingersoll got bumped. Seems the producers decided to rearrange the airdates so that they could get a million-dollar win on during an important ratings period. The one where Bob's friend called him is now scheduled to air March 4. Final answer.
Here's a plug for my new book. It won't be out for a few more months but I figured I might as well start hectoring you now. Consider yourself hectored to purchase…