I really liked the first episode of the new Showtime series, Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Each week, they tackle some con routine for which the unsuspecting and gullible fall. The show commenced with the claim that one can communicate with the dead and did a good job of nuking that scam. Basically, they demonstrated how a so-called intuitive can employ "cold reading" to extract info from his or her victim and appear to be divining it from unearthly sources. Those who desperately want to believe — and, Lord, how some do — will probably remain unconvinced; will probably not even watch Bullshit!, lest it challenge what they know. But it's rather entertaining to hear Penn call John Edward (the Crossing Over guy, not the senator) the "biggest douche in the universe." About time someone did. Here's a schedule of when the show airs. My TiVo is set for a Season Pass.