Mary on Record

The lady in the above picture is Mary Tyler Moore, as seen during her pre-Petrie days, modeling for record album covers.  In the sixties, there was a store up on Hollywood Boulevard that sold "cut-out" albums, meaning that some distributor was stuck with a warehouse full of some record that nobody wanted.  At this shop, they'd unload them at the price of three for a dollar.  They had thousands of copies of some of them.  I remember a whole display window filled with The Greatest Hits of Gary Lewis and the Playboys, and I used to wonder what Gary would think if he wandered through Hollywood and spotted his "greatest hits" readily available at that price.  Anyway, the store had a zillion copies of these Mary Tyler Moore records.  No one recognized Ms. Moore so no one bought them…but collectors now pay hefty prices for them.

If you're a fan of Mary Tyler Moore, you're probably a fan of The Dick Van Dyke Show.  And if you're a fan of The Dick Van Dyke Show, check in here tomorrow for an exciting announcement.