The "Imponderable" Guy

David Feldman points out to me that dozens of other books at Amazon are currently listed as, "This title will be released on December 31, 1969."  This pisses me off.  Not only are they copying my marketing strategy but, when 12/31/69 rolls around and all our books come out at the same time…

Mr. Feldman, by the way, is the author of the wonderful "Imponderables" series of books.  In each, he asks questions that probably never occurred to you but which cause you to say, "Hey, why is that?"  And then — even better — he answers them for you.  You can find out more about this over at his site, which I don't have to tell you but I will is  (Hey, Dave — how come I keep hearing that people who need to reach me on real business couldn't locate my e-mail address…but hundreds of nephews of wealthy Nigerian refugees have no trouble finding it?)