I agree with almost every word of this article by Joe Bob Briggs. It's about those occasional news stories about how teens are increasingly turning to virginity and sexual abstinence. I concur with Joe Bob that those reports are full of swamp gas. When I was in school, we kept being asked to fill out these anonymous polls on whether we were having sex and, if so, how much. Since there was no place on the form to check off "none of your damn business," we all lied. Most of the kids who were having sex said they weren't, just in case the whole thing was a trap to figure out who was doing it and to inform their parents. Most of the kids who weren't having sex said they were, just because it felt good to pretend. And some weren't sure how to equate their limited, back-seat fondling to the definitions of sex on the questionnaires, so they just put down anything. I don't believe any of these surveys. I don't believe anything anyone tells me about their sexual experiences unless they're available on DVD.