Book Report

A little more than four days ago, I told you that my book, Comic Books and Other Necessities of Life was at sales ranking #1,242,840 at Amazon, and that they said they had four copies left.  At the moment, they say they have two copies left…but I am somehow still in 1,242,840th place.  I do not understand this.  Shouldn't the number be changing because other books are entering their catalog and being sold?  Oh, well.  If you want to order either or both of the two copies they currently have in stock, click here.

I just took down a news item I posted earlier today with a link to an online copy of a book.  Two folks informed me simultaneously that the book is copyrighted and its posting to the web was unauthorized by the estate of the book's author.  I don't want to encourage that kind of thing…so no link.  Sorry.