Two men have been found guilty of making off with funds from the brief shining light of Internet businesses known as Stan Lee Media, and face at least four years in prison. Read all about it.
It's kind of fun watching all the role reversal in the Trent Lott matter: Republicans, who two weeks ago embraced him as a vital mover and shaker of their party, want him gone. Democrats, who stand for everything he's against (and vice-versa), see him as — in the phrase of Joshua Micah Marshall — "the gift that keeps on giving" and want him to stay. The thing I find fascinating is based on my belief that most public political figures are basically dishonest and pander to whatever faction they believe will come through with money and support in the immediate future. I think most of them say plenty of things that are appallingly disingenuous and/or reveal unpleasant aspects of their personal morality. Certainly, as is now coming out, Lott has been saying such things for decades. Usually, they pass unnoticed but every so often, the Quote Fairy comes along and arbitrarily decrees that the nation make an issue of one unfortunate remark. Then, everyone seizes upon it to advance their interests. Will Lott stay or will he go? It was probably quite candid of Paul Begala, yesterday on Crossfire, to say that as an American, he thought the man should be out but, as a partisan Democrat, he wanted him there to run against. That's the kind of moral dilemma that drives American politics, and the choice that will aid your party invariably wins out. My guess is the Republicans' need to be rid of him will ultimately trump the Democrats' desire to retain him as their Boogeyman. But that's just a guess…
I've been posting a lot here lately but now must turn my attention to a mess of deadlines. So, barring those late-breaking news stories, don't expect to see much that's new here for a few days. But rest assured you'll be in my heart and mind…