William Saletan, a writer I usually admire, presents a surprising defense of Trent Lott. I don't buy most of his argument but there are a few good points in there, and I'm inclined to think a bit less unfavorably of Lott than I did before reading it. Just a bit. Here's the link.
And, hey, Kissinger as chair of the 9/11 investigating committee didn't last long, did it? Given the choice of quitting or disclosing his business interests, he went for the bucks and the secrecy. Who, apart from everyone, would have imagined such a thing?
My amigo, Sergio Aragonés, recently received another award for his cartooning skill. (I think he was getting worried…it had been almost two weeks since his last one.) This one was in Mexico and here's a website that has an online video of the ceremony. It's in Spanish and the audio isn't great. But there it is.
A friend of mine who works at Marvel writes, "People who are upset that Marvel is imposing a controversial, adult storyline on an old character are missing the point of this new Rawhide Kid series. If they're going to be upset, they should be upset that Marvel has decided, 'We don't know what to do with this old strip so let's turn it into a parody.' The big idea here was not to make the character gay but just to make him a joke."