Bill Maher Speaks!

Over at Salon, the online magazine, they have a terrific interview up today with Bill Maher.  You have to be a subscriber to read it, so I'll just offer you this one quote from the gent, which I think summarizes what makes him different from most other comedians these days.  It's self-serving but I think it's valid…

There's a big difference between the way most comedians handle George Bush, going after that obvious "dumb" line of humor and what I did, which was mentioning things like how he jumps on the bandwagon of something like the recent financial CEO scandals and stages a big photo-op and says things like, "We will hold corporate America to high ethical standards" when the reason corporate America is behaving unethically is because of politicians like Mr. Bush.  [Corporations] give him millions in campaign contributions so he can print up a sign saying he's demanding the highest ethical standards, and fools the people into thinking that when in fact he's doing the opposite.  That's what I want Jay Leno and the others to make fun of.  But they won't.  They make fun of him for mispronouncing a word.