Let's Try This Again…

I just reread what I posted an hour ago and decided I could have said it better and shorter and clearer.  So I will now attempt that.

I think very few of the names that were on ballots today — Democrats or Republicans — deserved to win.  I think they're a lot of crooks and cowards and do-nothings and they're at the worst when they win big and think they're unanswerable.  I honestly think I'd feel the same way if the Democrats controlled as much of government as the Republicans now seem to control.

I do not believe the Republicans won because America really wants the agenda of John Ashcroft and Trent Lott and, at least on the domestic side, that of Bush and Cheney.  Nor does America want all of whatever the Democrats have to offer, assuming they ever figure out what it is.  What America wants is something much closer to the middle than what the Republicans will now argue they have a mandate to enact.

So my problem is not that the Republicans won big but that somebody did.

There.  Now, you don't have to read the previous post.  Good night.