A quick note, taking time away from that deadline I should be working on: A reader of this site named Mary Grider just wrote to help clarify the situation with the death toll of 9/11. At the moment, it stands at 2,807 in the World Trade Center though, as this article notes, it is expected that this total will be revised downward. Also killed that day were 125 employees of the Pentagon plus a number of airline employees and passengers plus 10 hijackers. The count currently stands at 3,031…tragic, of course, but far below the estimates of that day which said "more than 5000" and sometimes even "more than 6000."
As I said here the other day, I think this country had spent way too much effort mourning its dead and not nearly enough solving the problems that were created or revealed on 9/11.
Thank you, Mary. Back to work…