Thoughts Just Before Bedtime

They're saying a vote on James Traficant could come as soon as this evening, which would mean his 30 minute defense would occur sometime today.  I'm so worried he won't be able to outdo his previous levels of embarrassing behavior, especially since he'll only have a half-hour.  I keep telling myself James won't let us down but…I don't know.  He's going to really have to go some.  Maybe he could just come out and do Rip Taylor's old act…throw some confetti around…

Conan O'Brien hosting the Emmys.  Excellent idea.  Might even get me to watch.

The last few days every "talking head" show I've caught on CNN, Fox or MSNBC has had little to offer but Democrats and Republicans arguing over which is to blame for the current stock market meltdown.  What I don't think some of these guys get is that the American public thinks they're both responsible…and that even if one party took more direct action to cause these financial disasters, we expect the other party to stop them.  This is, after all, why we have opposition parties, isn't it?

For those attending the Comic-Con International next week in San Diego: AccuWeather is predicting mostly clear, with daytime highs between 72 and 80 and evening lows not much cooler.  Here's a link to their forecast.  While we're at it, here's a link to this site's list of convention tips.

And here's that link again to the list of panels and events I'm moderating.  Every one a gem!  The entire schedule is now up at if you have the slightest interest in the stuff I'm not hosting.