A Real Representative

Just when you thought there was nothing a member of our House of Representatives could do to further embarrass that august body, along comes James Traficant.  I must say, he's really outdoing himself.  It's like the scene in Woody Allen's Bananas where the dictator goes off the deep end and declares that all underwear is to be worn on the outside.  He also seems to be flaunting an anal obsession.  Here's a line from the AP coverage of Traficant's speech the other day before the House Ethics Committee…

He declared he wanted to "kick the ass" of the businessman who claimed to have owned him, that he was "having some rectal disorder because of this," and that an FBI witness could have had a "small microphone up his rectum."

Now, are those the words of a statesman or what?  He's now promising that if he goes to prison, he'll run for re-election from his cell and win.  I may move to Ohio and vote for him.