Your obedient webmaster is trapped in Deadline Hell for the next day or so. As always, don't expect anything new on this page for a while, barring another damn obit or time-sensitive matter. But when we return, we'll make it up to you.
And remember that Late Night With Conan O'Brien is scheduled to run that segment tonight — the one in which Triumph the Insult Comic Dog poops all over Star Wars fans. (Hint to people on the street who find themselves in front of the camera of some comedy show: Don't try to be funny or clever. He who controls the camera and editing process controls the thrust of the piece as it will be aired. If the premise of the segment is — as it usually is, especially on late night comedy shows and The Daily Show — that people who get stopped on the streets are clueless dorks, you will either come off as one or be cut from the tape. I'm amazed how many people who find themselves before Letterman's camera — or Jay's or Conan's or any of those boys — think they can "top" the comedian or even just not look at least a little foolish. The game is rigged, people. If you want to be on TV, fine…but know that this will be the likely result.)
Okay, back to the salt mines…