So my beloved cable modem connection is out and I'm reduced to accessing the Internet via a primitive, Paleolithic-era dial-up connection. Technology continues to spoil us. Once we have a cell phone, it's a major inconvenience of life to be without one…and just how did people manage to function without super-fast computers, FedEx, fax machines, TiVo, DSS satellite, etc.?
The fellow at A.T.&T. Tech Support says they'll have to dispatch a technician to heal my high-speed Internet connection. Unfortunately, it's not a high-speed technician. He won't be here 'til Friday afternoon.
Until then, we all suffer…you, because this site won't be updated much this week; me, because I won't have the patience to read most of my favorite websites over a tortoise-speed telephone line hook-up. My e-mail responses will seem lethargic, as well.
So sad. So very sad.