Anyone watching the new format on Crossfire on CNN? They've completed the process of turning it into Wrestlemania, adding in a live audience and two new hosts on the left. They even have a bell that rings to signal the end of rounds. James "Ragin' Cajun" Carville is now the liberal main man but most of the heavy lifting so far seems to be delegated to Paul Begala, who comes armed with a good sense of Theatre and a raft of cheap shots about George W. Bush's military record and electoral legitimacy. They're of a piece with all the cheap shots about Clinton's genitalia we've endured for eight years and I don't much like them (the ones about Bush or Clinton). Still, I have to admit that there's a certain fun in seeing Bob Novak getting bitch-slapped, time and again, by the same kind of thing he and his fellow Republicans have done for years to Democrats.
The problem with a show like this, of course, is that it really is Wrestling. One guy always has to take the liberal position; the other has to defend the conservative viewpoint, no matter what. Show me a man who consistently takes the liberal or conservative side on every issue and I'll show you someone who hasn't thought things through very far…or maybe, as in this case, doesn't really believe in the positions he defends to the death. In his newspaper columns (like this one), Novak has been critical of a number of actions, or lack of action, on the part of the Bush Administration. But put him in the Crossfire format and he has to defend Bush about everything and act like all criticisms are childish nonsense. Same with the guys on the other side of the table. Ultimately, you get the feeling any of them could easily switch chairs if the money's right. And may.
Oh, well. At least, the new Crossfire gives us a choice. We can watch it and see the liberal mop the floor with the conservative. Or we can switch over to Hannity and Colmes on Fox and see the conservative mop the floor with the liberal. Maybe one of these days, some network will put on a show where people discuss issues from different viewpoints.