Hey, you been over to Jingle Belle's place lately? You know Jing. She's the daughter of Santy Claus, star of her own terrific comic book by my pal Paul Dini and various nifty artists. She also has dolls and lunch boxes and, of course, her very own website which you can reach by clicking here. While you're there, check out the new holiday record reviews by Eddie the Music Elf.
I can't seem to come up with a link to a free source for Joshua Micah Marshall's article about the Whitewater report. In a nutshell, he notices that deep within the report, they've secreted info that makes clear that the previous Bush administration (i.e., the one that was going to run against Bill Clinton; the one he displaced) did a number of unethical and possibly illegal things to hasten and encourage the Whitewater investigation in the hope that it would derail his candidacy. I doubt this will become much of a scandal but it adds to the judgment of history that the whole inquiry had a lot more to do with harming a political foe than with anyone's actual concern about illegal actions.
I can, however, send you to another piece in Salon, which is Joe Conason's post mortem on the Whitewater investigation. I think he's dead-right that there was never sufficient evidence to warrant the whole inquisition, and that the folks in Starr's office kept it going long past a proper term, hoping to not have to exonerate a president they wished to harm. Anyway, here's the link — which, alas, is to a reposting of the article on The Smirking Chimp, a website that loads about as fast as a one-armed sharpshooter.
Lastly, the editorials in The Washington Times usually read as if written, not by some right-wing extremist but by someone who's working for a right-wing extremist and eager to not displease his boss. Nevertheless, I happen to agree with this one that faults President Bush's decision to sign the Campaign Finance Reform bill. Even a stopped clock…you know…