Book Marx

Above is the cover to what I think is the only Marx Brothers-related book that is not present in my library.  It's a paperback that was published in England in 1946 to tie in with the release of one of their weaker features.  This and other Marxian rarities can be viewed over at the Marx-Out-of-Print Page, which is chock-full of hard-to-find writings about the brothers.  They have a mess of them, including a couple of eminently non-vital articles that I wrote for bad money in the seventies.  Vastly more interesting are things like a repro of an issue of Life with photos of Harpo and his friends.  There's a picture there of George S. Kaufman in a hammock that I think is the only time I've ever seen him in a pose that could be described as "casual."  Anyway, if you're interested in the Brothers Marx, hustle over to that website and browse around for a while.  It's not often I see Groucho/Harpo/Chico stuff I've never seen before so there's probably something there that'll be new to you.