
My pal Russell Myers has been drawing Broom-Hilda for close to 32 years with no end in sight.  He just signed another ten year contract and, even if he quit tomorrow, he's always about a year ahead on the thing.  One day, about a decade ago, we were talking on the phone and he said, "I've gotta go.  I have a deadline crisis."  And for him, it was a crisis: He'd been ill or playing hooky or something and, somehow, a chunk of his lead had evaporated and he was only (gasp!) ten months ahead.  There are syndicated artists who go their entire careers without ever getting as much as a month ahead…and here's Myers fretting because he doesn't have his usual year-long stockpile.

Anyway, I've always enjoyed the adventures of the short little witch lady and often make a point of checking out her exploits…which you can do at the syndicate's website.  You can also read a nice on-line chat/interview with her maker by clicking on this link.  Do one or the other.