I've received a number of e-mails tonight regarding my position on anonymous posters on Internet forums. (My apologies if I didn't respond to yours; I'm behind on a deadline.) It might save us all some time if I clarify one point…
Freedom of Speech does not include any right to have a captive audience. You can talk all you like but your First Amendment rights are in no way being harmed if I opt not to listen…or even if I announce that the sound of your voice disgusts me so much that I'm taking a hike.
I enjoyed participating in www.comicon.com and may drift back there someday if it seems to have regained an atmosphere more conducive to discussion. I like the folks there (most of 'em, anyway) but I've decided that I no longer want to be a part of a community where anonymous posters drive the discussions into inane and angry directions. Put simply, I've reached the stage where it doesn't work for me.
One e-mailer accused me of "taking my ball and bat and going home." Well, first of all, it's not my ball or bat. The forum can go on jes' fine without me. Secondly, if you're not enjoying the game, I think you owe it to everyone — especially, yourself — to go home. I'm home. And if I have the sudden urge to get surrounded by angry people, I can always get the voice credits for Jonny Quest wrong again. Thank you.