The Other Night…

After an extended period where I stopped watching Politically Incorrect, I am back to nightly viewing.  For a time, I felt it was too much about phony, tabloid-style controversies, and that too many of its guests were akin to the kind of talk radio host who says outrageous, extreme things not because he believes them but because they're good for the career.  There is, alas, Big Money to be made in telling angry people that they're absolutely right and that their enemies are lying, evil scum.  The only caveat is that you must never, never admit that the other side is even a teensy bit right or honorable about anything or that any accusation against them might possibly be untrue.

Some of those folks still get airtime on Bill Maher's nightly chatfest but they haven't interfered too much with — and have occasionally actually contributed to — some bold and important discussions of issues of actual importance.  And every so often, someone says something extraordinary…like this statement from the Reverend Robert Schuller the other night:

Rev. Schuller:  Thank you.  First of all, you can find things in any holy book.  I'm a Christian.  I believe the Bible.  I can find things in the Bible that I don't like, that I don't agree with, that I think are not — what do I do?  I tell people who become Christians, the Bible is our holy book, but read the Bible the way you eat fish — carefully.  [Light laughter]  Don't choke on a bone.  [Laughter]  Pick the food that serves you well.

Bill:  Wow.  I'm very impressed to hear you say that.  [Applause]

Rev. Schuller:  That can be said for any holy book of any of the religions.

Have you ever heard a so-called "Man of God" say such a thing on television?  I sure haven't.  They all seem to demand blind respect of not so much The Bible as their particular, parochial interpretation of it, and I must admit I'd previously classed the Reverend Schuller as among the worst in that regard.

Like some of my friends, you may have stopped watching Politically Incorrect because you found Bill Maher to be a snide, arrogant presence.  Based on a few personal contacts with the man, I'd say he's all that, plus I don't like his attitude towards women.  But I also think he's a very smart guy and a skillful moderator who, most nights, runs a terrific and, lately, very relevant venue for stimulating conversation.  So you might want to give him another try.