WGA News

Much to my surprise, the membership of the Writers Guild has voted to accept three of the four proposed changes to the credits manual…and the margin of loss for #4 (the most controversial change) was much smaller than I think anyone expected.  The complete vote totals are available here.  This will probably mean that the committee that drafted these proposals — or some successor-in-interest to that committee — will begin drawing up some more.  Most likely, they will cautiously visit some of the more extreme suggestions that have been talked about but never formally proposed.  These would include some sort of acknowledgement, probably in the closing credits, of writers who participate in the rewriting of a screenplay but who don't qualify for the traditional up-front credit.

In any case, the news here is that WGA members — who said an overwhelming no to the last vote on changing the credit rules — now seem more open to the concept.  That presumably will mean more changes, some of which could genuinely change the way the industry works.  Stay tuned.