Performers Performing

Nathan Lane has been missing performances of The Producers in New York due to a throat problem.  A polyp, they say.  Anyway, last I heard, he's back but not doing matinees.  When he's out, my pal Brad Oscar plays Bialystock instead of Franz Liebkind, and someone else plays the Nazi playwright.  I haven't seen Brad in the role but if I weren't swamped with work, I'd hop on a plane and go back just to catch him.  Everyone who has seen him says that he's terrific.

Speaking of terrific musical comedy-type performers: My friend Shelly Goldstein will be doing her one-lady show — with the inimitable Scott Harlan at the piano — at the Gardenia in Hollywood, the evening of Wednesday, November 21.  Shelly spends way too much of her time these days writing top TV shows and not nearly enough singing funny and poignant tunes in front of paying customers.  You can reserve to be a paying customer (it's ten bucks) by calling the club at (323) 467-7444.