Condit Watch

For those of you interested in the aspect of the Gary Condit mess that interests me: Bob Somerby, over at The Daily Howler, is running some of his terrific-as-always commentaries on the press coverage.  Pay special attention to the quotes from the police that Mr. Condit was cooperative and did not in any way impede their search for Chandra Levy.  These may or may not reflect the true situation but I'll betcha more Americans have heard that Chandra was pregnant — apparently, not true — than have heard that a cop said Condit told them everything they wanted to know.

And just to remind you: I don't know if Mr. Condit did something foul (beyond cheating on the missus) or didn't, nor do I much care.  But an awful lot of folks seem to have made up their minds based on some pretty questionable news reports.  And that's a bad way for the public dialogue to be conducted, even if it turns out that Condit did some or all of the bad things of which he's been accused.