Things I'm Sticking in the Same Posting

My longtime pal, Ken Gale, is the anchor of the premier radio talk show in the country devoted exclusively to comic books.  'Nuff Said has been broadcasting since 1993 with guests from the world of comics (including, three or four times now, Yours Truly) and it's presently heard every Tuesday night at 10:00 pm, Eastern Time, on station WBAI (99.5 FM) in New York.  You can also tune in via Real Audio and get additional info at the 'Nuff Said website.

Looking for the truth about this "Code Red" virus?  If I were you, I'd take a gander at what Steve Gibson of Gibson Research has to say about it.  He's a fiercely independent expert on this kind of thing, and his overview can be read here.  It's a bit technical but you oughta be able to get the essence of it, which is that this security breach is real, that it's far from gone and that, if Microsoft issues Windows XP without fixing certain things, this kind of thing will happen again and again and again…

We also recommend Michael Kinsley's latest column, which is about the recent report by the National Commission on Federal Election Reform.  It was headed up by Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford (who, let us remember, managed to win one federal election between them…and only because they ran against each other) and Kinsley does a great job of shredding its findings.  But he misses one point of trivia: The commission is indignant about the networks "calling" an election before the polls have closed all across the continental U.S., right?  Isn't it worth mentioning that in 1980, President Carter actually conceded before the polls had closed in California?  Didn't that do a lot more damage to Democracy than the networks calling a few Eastern states?  Anyway, here's a link to Kinsley's piece.

I'm up to my pupik (It's Yiddish for belly-button.) in deadlines and next week, I have to spend a few days in a dark editing room and then emerge to appear on a panel at the World Animation Celebration.  So updates here may not be as plentiful as I'd like…but things'll be back to normal as soon as I get around eleven scripts and articles written.