While I Have Your Attention…

I don't do many conventions these days but I've agreed to show my puss at this year's Wondercon in Oakland, which is April 20-22.  You can get more info at their website and you can get there by clicking here.  These are good, friendly gatherings that remind me of the early San Diego gatherings.  When one speaks of comic conventions, there is no higher praise.

This last item is for those of you who have money riding on the XFL — not on the games but on the ratings.  Let us review: First week, they had a 10.3 in the overnights, which went down to a 9.5 in the nationals.  Second week, they had a 5.1 that dipped to a 4.6.  Third week, they had a 3.8 which became a 3.1 in the nationals, making it the lowest-ranked prime-time show on any of the four major networks for the week.  Could it get worse than that?  Yes.  The overnights for last Saturday were at 2.9, so the nationals will come in around 2.6 or below, which is wrist-opening time.  (Remember: The guarantee to advertisers is 4.5)  Ratings on the XFL's UPN broadcasts aren't much better so we may be looking at the biggest flop in the history of professional sports and in network television at the same time.  Looks like the cheerleaders will all be back at their clubs offering table dances any day now…