Harry Shearer Stuff

While roaming about my harddisk the other day, I came across a file I downloaded a few years ago — a day-by-day diary of the second O.J. Simpson trial (the one he lost, the one with the wide-awake jury), kept by Harry Shearer.  Engaged by Slate to cover the festivities, Shearer turned in one of the best pieces of writing I've encountered, among those done wholly for the web.  Anyway, though the case is ancient history, I started reading his account and got sucked into digesting the whole, long (almost 100,000 words) mesmerizing tale again.  I just checked and you can still read it on the magazine's website.  Here's a link to Shearer's first dispatch and then you can find your way from there.  Harry, in case you don't know, is a writer-actor with stellar credits and, of course, is presently best known for what is probably his easiest gig, which is as a voice actor on The Simpsons.

But he's been involved with wonderful TV shows and movies and has a fine radio program called Le Show, which I wish I could catch more often.  He also, needless to say, has a website and here's the link to it.  Check out his on-line video files of clips from broadcasters saying odd things in front of the camera but before the broadcast commenced.