Buncha Stuff

A couple of folks have written to say they wish I had more here on The Dick Van Dyke Show.  So do I, so do I.  In the meantime, while I write something else, you might want to check out the website of Vince Waldron.  Vince, who I think owes me a lunch or maybe I owe him, authored one of the best books on that fine series, and is an expert and historian of others, as well.  You'll find lots to peruse at www.classicsitcoms.com that's right up the line for those who find this site of interest.

It's still too early to tell if Eric Boehlert's predictions about the XFL will come to pass but, based on ratings for the second Saturday night airing, few are likely to wager against him.  One of the key points he makes in his latest article (which you can read by clicking here) is that the game ran over, delaying the 11:00 news and bumping Saturday Night Live to a post-Midnight start on the East Coast.  The XFL will have to make a lot more money in prime-time before NBC will allow it to endanger the health of one of their most lucrative — and network-owned — programs.  My guess is that someone has already sworn to Lorne Michaels that it will never happen again.

Advance tip for anyone who'll be near Vegas next month: Tim Conway and Harvey Korman are playing the Las Vegas Hilton March 8-10, along with my pal, the brilliant impressionist, Louise Du Art.  One forgets how truly funny Mssrs. Korman and Conway are, and Louise is always terrific.  If you can't make it to Vegas, they may be coming to your neck o' the woods soon.  You can track their appearances — and other swell acts which may be wandering near you — over at www.pollstar.com.

I hereby recommend at Michael Kinsley's two recent columns about the Reagan Legacy.  Here's the link to Part One and here's the link to Part Two.

Those Wacky Websites: If you live in Los Angeles and love it when they break into normal TV programming to show high-speed police pursuits, sign up at www.pursuitwatch.com.  When one happens, they'll phone you or your pager and alert you to hurry to a television somewhere to savor the moment.  They have a 3-month free trial offer and then the subscription fee kicks in.  And if you live outside L.A., don't feel left out!  They're expanding across the nation and may soon be serving your area, too!