The Hardest Working Man in Comics

Since around the time of the Louisiana Purchase, I've been collaborating with Sergio Aragonés on comic books of a very silly nature, many of them issues of Groo the Wanderer.  About 90% of these have featured superb coloring by the talented and brave Tom Luth.  Why "brave?"  Because coloring Sergio's ornate, well-populated work is like trying to sweep the beach clean of sand or count all the gardeners in L.A. named "Juan" or correct all the typos and HTML errors on this website.  I once had to fill-in for Tom for about a third of an issue, back when we did it all by hand and…well, if not for a drop-dead deadline, I'd still be at it.  Just when you think you've tinted every last figure on the page and you rinse your brush, you find eight more.  Now that it's all being done on computer, Tom isn't rinsing brushes but he's probably saving very little time since he is doing more precise, intricate coloring…and Sergio and I couldn't be happier with the results.

All of this is leading up to a link to his website,, where you can see samples of his coloring, as well as many other artistic endeavors, such as illustration and book design.  Take a peek and see what else Tom can do besides rendering our nonsense.