Strip Joints

There are many reasons to pay regular visits to — that is, presuming you have even a fraction of the admiration I have for Garry Trudeau's newspaper strip.  One is that you can order your Doonesbury books there and, for no extra tariff, they'll come autographed by Mr. Trudeau.  Secondly, the site features some very clever games, activities and web animations.  Thirdly: You can also now sign up to have the Doonesbury strip e-mailed to you each day.  (Actually, they don't e-mail you the actual strip.  They send you an e-mail that contains a link to take you to their website — — where you can view that day's strip…in full color, no less.)  Matter of fact, you can subscribe for any or all of the Universal Press strips, including Garfield, Ziggy, Cathy or even Calvin & Hobbes flashbacks.

You can also sign up for any or all of them over at  I assume other strips have done this before but for features of this importance, daily e-mail delivery — even of strips that are a bit out of date — is quite significant.  And it may have a lot to do with the way comic strips will be distributed in the future.