All-Star Review

The All-Star Companion, edited by Roy Thomas.  End of review.

Okay, I'll write a little more: I just got mine and I can't imagine a better look at a great — some would say, the greatest — comic book of the forties.  Roy, Dr. Jerry Bails and a distinguished flock of experts have wrung out every conceivable fact, insight and bit of trivia about All-Star Comics.  The only regret is that the marketplace didn't support this kind of thing years ago, when more of the comic's creators were alive and available for interviewing and to enjoy the finished product.  This handsome volume is available from its issuer, TwoMorrows Publishing and most comic shops and dealers, and it'll make a nice companion to that Julie Schwartz book that you just rushed out to purchase on my recommendation.  Put them side by side on your shelf.