Pasta à la Paul

Three weeks ago here, I posted a video all about the history of Chef Hector Boiardi, better known to you as Chef Boyardee. That's the man whose face adorns many a can of what technically qualifies as Italian Food. In the video, a food chef/historian tried to re-create Mr. Boiardi's original recipe for spaghetti and meat sauce — and we're talking here about the recipe that made him famous as a restaurateur, not the recipe that others devised for the canned goods now bearing his likeness.

That video inspired my longtime friend Paul Dini to whip up a batch of Boiardi Meat Sauce. Most of you know Paul as a fine writer of cartoons, comic books and TV shows but he's also a pretty great cook. Someone oughta put his face on cans of Beefaroni.

Actual photo of my dinner last night.

As you may know, I'm recovering from a broken ankle. I've been having friends drop by for lunch and/or dinner…and tonight, Paul came by with dry spaghetti, butter, cheese and his version of that sauce. He took over my kitchen and proceeded to whip up a big pot of really terrific spaghetti which we devoured while talking about cartoons and comics and mutual acquaintances.

I generally do not let friends cook for me. My numerous food allergies and my narrow palette have led to some unpleasant experiences when someone whose feelings I cared about prepared something for me and I just plain couldn't eat it. But Paul is so good, I may try to sabotage his career. I'd like him to give up writing and open a restaurant, preferably down the street from me. Does that make me a bad person?