Biden His Time

I really like Joe Biden, the man who was Vice-President for eight years and I think that guy would make a great president. I'm not as fond of certain other Joe Bidens who predated him and if any of them were to become the Democratic nominee, it would be one of those guys that Republicans would run against…like the Joe Biden who made one verbal gaffe for each three paragraphs of a speech or the one who could have treated Anita Hill a lot better.

Assuming the Republican nominee is Trump — an assumption I still have a mild hunch is wrong — it would be bizarre to see folks who don't care about rape accusations and porn star payoffs by their guy saying that Biden's unwanted shoulder massages prove he's morally unfit to be President of the United States. Or that Biden's gaffes from the previous century matter, whereas the constant current stream from you-know-who are kind of adorable.

Still, I more or less agree with this opinion piece by Michelle Goldberg that the moment for Mr. Biden has passed. I really don't get why any man wouldn't have realized something long ago: While he might think the neck-nuzzling is harmless and while some of the women might take it as not-unwelcome affection, it only takes one or two who don't like it to create an unnecessary problem. It also creates photos that do not look as innocent as they probably are in some (most?) cases.

With hundreds of thousands of Democrats throwing their chapeaus in the ring these days, there must be one who shares Biden's political positions — and maybe is even more in step with the current dynamic of the party. Yes, he has the name recognition but there's plenty of time for someone else to become just as famous. I'm kinda feeling the same way about Bernie Sanders. I'd support either man if they got the nod because they'd both have that wonderful, highly-desirable quality of not being Donald Trump. But so would plenty of other possibilities.