Today's Video Link

This is from a month ago when documentary producer Robert Weide interviewed Woody Allen live on Facebook.  One of the main topics is Mr. Allen's inability to grasp the concept of Facebook, as well as his limited capacity to understand modern technology…

By the way: The annual AFI Life Achievement Award presentation airs tomorrow night on TNT.  The recipient is Diane Keaton and there are only about nine hundred webpages that give away the surprise speaker at the end.  (The show was taped on June 8.)

I won't tell you who it is but he's in the above video and it's not Robert Weide.  I'm told his speech was outstanding so you might want to record the show and watch at least the last part.  As I understand it, TNT is running it twice tomorrow night with commercial interruptions and then Turner Classic Movies runs it sometime next month without commercial interruptions.