
Anne Pluta says that the trouble with Donald Trump voters is not that they are uninformed but that they are misinformed. Biggggg difference. Uninformed people just plain don't know. Misinformed voters think they do but they're wrong — and they're usually determined to never admit it. Relevant quote…

In 2000, James Kuklinski and other political scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign established an important distinction: American citizens with incorrect information can be divided into two groups, the misinformed and the uninformed. The difference between the two is stark. Uninformed citizens don't have any information at all, while those who are misinformed have information that conflicts with the best evidence and expert opinion. As Kuklinski and his colleagues established, in the U.S., the most misinformed citizens tend to be the most confident in their views and are also the strongest partisans. These folks fill the gaps in their knowledge base by using their existing belief systems. Once these inferences are stored into memory, they become "indistinguishable from hard data," Kuklinski and his colleagues found.

Furthermore, in 2010, political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler found that when misinformed citizens are told that their facts are wrong, they often cling to their opinions even more strongly with what is known as defensive processing, or the "backfire effect."

This is why I've given up having political discussions with certain friends and probably why some of them would say they've given up having them with me. Never mind that we can't agree on what should happen in this country. We can't agree what has happened. I say unemployment is down since Obama took office. One guy I know is certain it's way, way up and the stats I'm citing are just government lies. Those arguments never go anywhere. It's easier just not to have them.