Today's Political Comment

So everyone's saying that the Supreme Court is likely to void some or all of the Affordable Care Act, perhaps as soon as next Monday. Practically everyone figures that the best the A.C.A. supporters might muster is to squeak by on a 5-4 decision. A few decades ago, I didn't SCOTUS-watch as much as I do now but I don't recall earlier justices being as predictable as most of them are these days. It's sad that no one expects principle will trump politics.

There are about 87,000 articles on 'net about "What it will mean if the Supreme Court rules against Obamacare" and therefore about 87,000 projections. Not all are bad for those of us who think Americans' need for affordable health care can't be put off until Republicans can configure a plan which will (a) not give any credit to Democrats, (b) cost more, (c) shovel as much of that money as possible to private enterprise, (d) help the wealthy pay less in taxes and to get more out of the plan than the middle or lower classes and (e) otherwise have everything wrong with it they say is wrong with "Obamacare." They can achieve most of that by just going back to the plan they were pushing years ago when the individual mandate was a Conservative concept. It will be again once they think of something else to call it.